Expect to meet some fellow independent thinkers
Our 1,950 students travel an average of 1,000 miles from home to come to Eckerd, so expect to meet others with extremely varied interests.
In addition to athletics—including NCAA Division II athletics, club sports and intramurals—and one of the largest collegiate Waterfront programs in the Southeast, you can choose to participate in over 80 student organizations.
Partial list
The clubs vary a bit from year to year as students’ interests change.
- Afro-American Society
- All About Asians
- American Sign Language
- Another Man’s Trash Improv Group
- Anthrozoology
- Cheese Society
- Chinese Culture
- Climbing
- Coalition of Students for Indigenous Action
- Dance
- Disability Advocacy Coalition
- Cheer
- Feminists
- MakerSpace
- Emergency Response Team
- Herpetological Society
- Ethnobot N’ Tea
- Fire By Night
- First-Generation Club
- Fishing
- Florida Public Interest Research Group
- French
- Garden
- Get Psyched (Psi Chi Psychology)
- Hillel
- Hummus
- Intergenerational Book
- International Student Alliance
- Italian
- Japanese Culture
- Latinos Unidos
- Marine Life Adventure Society
- Men’s Rugby
- Model United Nations
- Ornithological Society
- Palmetto Productions
- Powerlifting
- Pre-Health
- Pre-Law
- Rockclimbing
- Rollerderby
- Save Our Seabirds
- Science Outreach Club
- Scubi Jew
- Skate Club
- Stitch ‘n Bitch
- Soccer
- Surf Club
- Swim Club
- Tabletop Club
- Taylor Swift Society
- The Coastal Society
- The Eckerd Review
- The Film Collective
- The Writer’s Room
- Trivia
- Ultimate
- Vegan
- Volleyball
- WECX 99.9
- Wild Trails Hiking and Camping
- Women in STEM Club
- Women’s Rugby