In case of a life threatening emergency, call 911 then call Campus Safety, 727-864-8260.
In a non-life threatening emergency, call Campus Safety, 727-864-8260.
- Clear an area around the victim
- Keep the victim calm and reassure them that help is on the way
- Obtain basic information about the victim in order to pass it along to Campus Safety and/or medical responders.
Regarding EC-ERT and AEDs
During the Academic year, Eckerd College Emergency Response Team (EC-ERT) will respond to all medical calls by being called directly or dispatched through Campus Safety or the Pinellas County Emergency Medical System.
- EC-ERT can be contacted directly by calling 727-864-3760.
- EC-ERT members are professionally trained emergency medical technicians and emergency medical responders.
Automated External Defibrillators (AEDs) are located in various buildings on campus and are deployed in a response to a medical emergency.
Demos and Certifications
Campus Safety and EC-ERT members are trained to instruct Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) and Automated External Defibrillator (AED).
If you or your department is interested in being certified or a demonstration, contact Campus Safety at 727-864-8260 for training dates.