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The Registrar’s Office serves alumni and students, and their families. Our services are listed below. Current students and faculty will find resources suited specifically for them on our internal website.

If you have any questions, please contact us by email at, in person at the Franklin Templeton Building, by phone at 727.864.8217 or by fax at 727.864.8060.

Transcripts & Diplomas

Transcripts for Residential and PEL Students

Requests for transcripts require the signature of the student. Since a signature is required to release a transcript, we cannot accept phone or email requests. All financial obligations to the college must be cleared before a transcript can be issued.

Official Transcripts are available directly through Parchment.

Eckerd College has appointed Parchment as the designated agent for processing and sending official electronic transcripts. The PDF transcript that is produced using this service contains the identical information as the printed transcript and can be certified as unaltered by uploading the file to the company’s website that is provided during the delivery process. Parchment has been granted the authority to deliver all electronic transcript requests on behalf of Eckerd College and respond to any inquiries regarding the transactions.

Order a transcript

For questions or issues with your online order, please call Parchment Customer Service Department at 847.716.3005 or visit Parchment Support for assistance.

Current students

  • To view and print your unofficial transcript: Log into ECExperience > Profile Page > Academic Transcript > Choose Transcript Level and Transcript Type > Print Icon
  • To order official transcript: Log into ECExperience > Profile Page > Request Printed Transcript (will take you to the Parchment link)

Walk-In transcript requests

You may stop by the Registrar’s Office and complete a transcript request form. These transcript requests take 2-5 regular business days to process. For the fastest service, please order transcripts directly through Parchment.

Transcript fees and services

For walk-in transcript orders, fees must be paid directly to the Bursar’s Office or will be added to your student account (this option available for current students only).

The fastest and most convenient method of payment is by credit card through the online transcript ordering system. Otherwise fees may be paid directly to the Bursar’s Office (800.456.9009, ext. 8949) or put on your student account if you are a current student.

Each unofficial transcript sent by mail
(Standard service: normally sent within 5 regular working days of receipt of request, Monday – Friday.)
Each unofficial transcript pick up only
(Standard service: normally ready for pick up within 5 regular working days of receipt of request, Monday – Friday.)
no charge
RUSH transcript (official or unofficial) per transcript
(RUSH service: sent or ready for pick up within 2 regular working days of receipt of request, Monday – Friday.)
Fee must be paid in advance unless you are a current student.
Add $5.00
RUSH transcript (official or unofficial within the lower 48 United States) sent by Express Mail
(RUSH service: sent by Express Mail within 2 regular working days of receipt of request, Monday – Friday. We will try to send the same day if the request is received before noon, Monday – Friday.)
Fee must be paid in advance unless you are a current student.
Add $25.30 to RUSH fee
RUSH transcript (official or unofficial to Alaska or Hawaii) sent by Express Mail
(RUSH service: sent by Express Mail within 2 regular working days of receipt of request, Monday – Friday. We will try to send the same day if the request is received before noon, Monday – Friday.)
Fee must be paid in advance unless you are a current student.
Add $32.30 to RUSH fee
RUSH transcript (official or unofficial outside the U.S.) sent by Express Mail
(RUSH service: sent by Express Mail within 2 regular working days of receipt of request, Monday – Friday. We will try to process the same day if the request is received before noon, Monday – Friday.)
Fee must be paid in advance unless you are a current student.
Add $55.30 fee

For further information, please contact the Registrar’s Office by phone 727.864.8217, or email

Replacement Diplomas

In the event of a lost or damaged diploma, the Registrar’s Office can issue a replacement diploma which reflects the original degree conferral date, the current formatting, and the current signatures of the college officials. The following notation will appear on the bottom of the diploma to indicate that it is a replacement: “This diploma is issued in place of one granted (month, day, year).”

The cost of the replacement diploma is $25.00.

For details on how to request and pay for a replacement diploma, please email

Transfer Credit

Evaluation and Awarding of Transfer Credit

Credit is awarded for courses which fit Eckerd College’s mission of providing an undergraduate liberal arts education and are comparable to Eckerd College courses. Transfer courses must be appropriate to a baccalaureate education and may indicate mastery of a particular body of knowledge or reflect the intellectual and practical skills that result from a liberal education such as critical inquiry and analysis, effective written and oral communication, quantitative and information literacy. No credit is granted for courses at a remedial level or at a level lower than those offered at Eckerd. Transfer credit is normally given for courses meeting the above criteria and completed with an earned grade of C- or better at a regionally accredited institution. Eckerd College is a participating institution in the Articulation Agreement between the Florida Community College System and the Independent Colleges and Universities of Florida (ICUF).

Advanced Placement

Eckerd College awards course credit on the basis of scores on the Advanced Placement examinations administered by the College Entrance Examination Board. Students who have obtained scores of four or five will be awarded credit. Applicants who seek advanced placement should have examination results sent to the Office of Admission.

Language Placement

The College’s world language requirement consists of two semesters (or the equivalent) of beginning language study. Students may be exempt from the language requirement if they place into the 201-level course or higher.

World Language Placement Exam Guide

International Baccalaureate Program

Eckerd College will confer sophomore standing to students who have completed the full International Baccalaureate diploma and who have earned grades of five or better in their three Higher Level subjects. IB students who do not earn the full diploma may receive credit for Higher Level subjects in which grades of five or better were earned in the examinations.

Cambridge Advanced International Certificate of Education (AICE)

Eckerd College will consider A Levels subjects with an earned grade equivalent to a C or above on a case by case basis for up to the equivalent of one year of credit.

View College Policy

It is the policy of the college to:

  1. Award a two-year block of credit to students who have earned an Associate of Arts degree with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0. Grades and quality point averages earned at other institutions, however, are not transferred to Eckerd and are not used in computing the student’s Eckerd College grade point average.
  2. Accept, for transfer students without Associate of Arts degrees, only those appropriate courses in which grades of C- or higher were earned.
  3. Accept a maximum of 63 semester hours of transfer credit toward meeting the number of courses required for graduation. The last two academic years (four 14-week terms, two short terms) of study for an Eckerd College degree must be completed at Eckerd.
  4. Request that applicants who have earned credits more than five years ago, or whose earlier academic records are unavailable or unusual, direct special inquiry to the Office of Admission.
  5. Award transfer credit toward meeting the requirements of a major at the discretion of the faculty.

Academic Area & Perspective Requirements

Complete one course in each of four core academic areas (Arts, Humanities, Natural Science, Social Science) plus one course designated as an Environmental Perspective (E) and one course designed as a Global Perspective (G). The Environmental and Global Perspective courses must be taken at Eckerd College. Courses with the “E” or “G” designations cannot be used to meet academic area requirements. No course may fulfill more than one general education requirement. Academic area courses are found in the following areas of study:


Creative Writing
Visual Arts
Art History
CR prefix courses**
IA prefix courses

*Except courses in oral communication.
**Except Resident Advisor Internship.


American Studies
Ancient Studies
East Asian Humanities
Religious Studies
Women’s & Gender
World Languages **
LT prefix courses

*200 level or above
**300 level or above

Natural Science

Marine Science
Computer Science *
NA prefix courses
ES prefix courses**

*200 level or above
**As Designated

Social Science

Human Development
International Business
International Relations
Political Science

Please note that courses which are good choices for meeting the academic area general education requirements will be designated by a letter after the course number (A-Arts, H-Humanities, N-Natural Science, S-Social Science). Those courses that require prerequisites in the same academic area are not designated with a letter, but can be used to fulfill the academic area.

Applicants wishing to receive transfer credit for work done outside the United States should have their educational backgrounds evaluated through an international transcript evaluation service and have an official transfer credit recommendation sent to Eckerd College.

Transfer Admissions Policies

Application Procedures for Transfer Admission

  1. Complete and return application form to the Office of Admissions with an application fee of $40 (non-refundable) by August 1 for fall semester and December 1 for winter term.
  2. Request that official college transcripts be sent to us from each college or university you have attended.
  3. Send us a record of college entrance exams (SAT I or ACT). This may be waived if you have completed more than two full time semesters of college level work.
  4. Request a letter of recommendation from one of your college professors.
  5. If you have completed less than two full time semesters at another college, you must submit your final high school transcripts. All other students must submit proof of high school graduation by submitting either your final high school transcripts or a copy of your high school diploma.
  6. Request the Dean’s Report to be completed by your current/previous institution. Dean’s Report is included in the Application for Admission and may also be found on our website.

Evaluation and Awarding of Transfer Credit

After you have been accepted for admission, your transcript will be forwarded to the registrar for credit evaluation. Eckerd College only accepts transfer credits from other regionally accredited institutions. It is the policy of the college to:

  1. Award block two-year credit to students who have earned an Associate of Arts degree with a cumulative grade point average of at least 2.0; or
  2. Accept, for transfer students without Associate of Arts degrees, only those appropriate courses in which grades of C or higher were earned. Transfer credits will be awarded for courses comparable to Eckerd College courses.
  3. Accept a maximum of 63 semester hours of transfer credit because the last two academic years of study for an Eckerd College degree must be completed at Eckerd.
  4. Therefore, all transfer students to Eckerd College will have cumulative grade point averages of at least 2.0 in courses accepted from other institutions toward an Eckerd College degree.
  5. Applicants who have earned credits more than five years ago, or whose earlier academic records are unavailable or unusual, are requested to direct special inquiry to Admissions.
  6. Use of transfer credit toward meeting the requirements of a major is at the discretion of the faculty.

Degree Requirements for Transfer Students

Transfer students fulfill the degree requirements which are outlined in the Eckerd College catalog for all students with the following adjustments:

  1. Eckerd College uses courses and semester hours as the numerical unit of measurement for the meeting of degree requirements. To determine the number of Eckerd College course equivalents a student receives in transfer credit, the semester hours awarded for those transfer courses acceptable to Eckerd are totaled and divided by 3.5. Eckerd accepts a maximum of 63 semester hours (18 Eckerd course equivalents) of transfer credit which may be applied toward meeting degree requirements. Transfer students receive an evaluation of transfer credit and determination of the number of equivalent Eckerd College courses from the registrar’s office.
  2. Although the specific number of Eckerd College courses a transfer student must take is determined on an individual basis, a transfer student must spend at least four semesters and two short terms, including the senior year, in the college or in an approved off-campus program, for a minimum of 18 Eckerd College course credits and 63 semester hours in order to graduate from Eckerd College.
  3. Students transferring to Eckerd College as sophomores are considered exempt from Western Heritage in a Global Context, world language, the first year oral communication and first year information technology proficiency requirements.
  4. All transfers must meet the following general education requirements: composition competency (i.e., writing portfolio), oral communication and technological competency in their major or concentration, and Imagining Justice. Transfer students may count transfer credits toward fulfilling academic area requirements and quantitative requirements but must complete Environmental and Global perspective courses at Eckerd College. The number of College Program Series events required of transfer students is determined by the student’s class standing at the time of entry.

Transfer Credits From Florida Public Institutions

If you are transferring courses from a Florida public (2 or 4 year) institution and would like to see how they apply to a major at Eckerd, please select a major below.

Student Rights under FERPA and Parent Access to Records

Student Rights Under FERPA

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:

  1. The right to inspect and review the student’s education records within 30 days of the day the college receives a request for access.
    1. Students may see their educational records by submitting a written request at the office where the records of interest are maintained.
    2. Access is to be granted promptly and no later than thirty days from the date of the request.
    3. Students may make the request in person or by mail, but the request must always be in writing.
    4. Students may obtain upon request copies of documents to which they are entitled. Typically these copies would not include transcripts from other schools or recommendation letters written to Eckerd College. The College may charge for these copies.
    5. Students may request and receive interpretation of their records from the person (or designee) responsible for the maintenance of the record.
  2. The right to request the amendment of the student’s education records that the student believes are inaccurate or misleading.
    1. Students may write the college official responsible for the record, clearly identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify why it is inaccurate or misleading.
    2. The case will be reviewed through the normal channels of the department responsible for the record.
    3. If the decision is made not to amend the record as requested, the student may appeal decisions concerning academic records through the Dean of Faculty and decisions concerning disciplinary records through the Dean of Students.
  3. The right to consent to disclosures of personally identifiable information contained in the student’s education records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure without consent. One exception which permits disclosure without consent is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational interests. A school official is a person employed by the college in an administrative, supervisory, academic or research, or support staff position (including law enforcement unit personnel and health staff); a person or company with whom the college has contracted (such as an attorney, auditor, or collection agent); a person serving on the Board of Trustees; or a student serving on an official committee, such as a disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting school officials in performing their tasks. A school official has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to review an education record in order to fulfill professional responsibilities.
  4. The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning alleged failures by the college to comply with the requirements of FERPA. The name and address of the office that administers FERPA is:
    Family Policy Compliance Office
    U.S. Department of Education
    600 Independence Avenue, SW
    Washington, DC 20202-4605

Policy on Student Records

In compliance with FERPA, the following constitutes the College’s policy instructing students on the procedures available to provide appropriate access to personal records while protecting the confidentiality of these records.

A “student” is defined as one who has attended or is attending Eckerd College and whose records are in the files of the College. Student records to which this policy applies do not include files retained by individual faculty/staff members which are not accessible to any other person except a substitute designated by the faculty/staff member.

Public or directory information is limited to name, permanent and local address, e-mail address, phone, date of birth, photograph, mentor, major field of study, dates of enrollment including hours enrolled, admission or enrollment status, school or division, class standing, anticipated graduation date, graduation date, degrees, degree candidacy, awards, honors, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, and weight and height of athletic team members.

Public information shall be released freely unless the student files the appropriate form requesting that information may not be released. This form is available at the Registrar’s office and must be renewed each academic year. If this form is not received prior to the end of the drop/add period of the Fall term, it will be assumed that directory information may be disclosed for the remainder of the current academic year. A new form for non-disclosure must be completed each academic year.

A student’s educational record is open to the student with the following exceptions:

  • Confidential letters of recommendation placed in files prior to January 1, 1975.
  • Records of parent’s financial status.
  • Employment records (see below).
  • Medical records (see below).

The employment records to which students do not have access are records kept in the normal course of business which relate exclusively to students as employees. Medical records are kept in the Student Health Center. This office rigidly protects the confidentiality of those records, but they can be reviewed by a physician or appropriate professional of the student-patient’s choice.

Student records are open to members of the faculty and staff who have a legitimate need to know their contents, except where access is prohibited by special policies such as those governing medical records.

The determination of those who have a “legitimate need to know” will be made by the person responsible for the maintenance of the records. This determination must be made scrupulously and with respect for the individual whose records is involved.

At the discretion of the office maintaining the records, records may be released without the consent of the student to third parties only as authorized by FERPA. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • Federal, State, and local officials as required by law.
  • Appropriate persons in an emergency situation when necessary to protect the welfare of the individual.

A student may authorize the release of specified records to specific individuals. A notation of such releases made to third parties must be kept in the student’s record. This notation is open only to the student, faculty mentor, and the office in charge of the record. The third party must be informed that no release of personally identifiable data is authorized without the written consent of the student.

This policy does not preclude the destruction of any record if the College does not consider it germane. Persons in charge of records should ensure that only pertinent items are retained in student files.

Parent Access to Education-Related Records

The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), enacted by the United States Congress in 1974, sets forth requirements regarding the privacy of student records.

On-line Grades and Graduation Audit Access for Parents

Students can grant parents limited electronic access to view academic information by providing them with their Eckerd ID and PIN numbers.  Students can find their PIN numbers in ECWeb under Personal Information\Directory Profile. This will allow access to grades and the graduation audit via ECWeb.

Directions for parents:

  1. Go to ECWeb.
  2. Log on to the EC Web using your student’s Eckerd ID and PIN number.
  3. Click on Student.
  4. Click on Student Records.
  5. Click on one of the following:
    1. Midterm Grades
    2. Final Grades
    3. Academic Transcript (please note:  only the student can order a transcript).
    4. Graduation Audit / Degree Plan
  6. Select the latest term (do not choose a PEL term).
  7. If you have chosen Graduation Audit / Degree Plan, click on the highlighted Program link. You will find the following:
    1.  Summary Page – a quick look at the requirements the student has met and not met
    2. Graduation Audit / Degree Plan – a detailed review of the student’s requirements and courses
    3. Other Courses-Not Used – a list of the student’s courses which are not counting toward degree requirements (Ex. the first semester of a year-long course or an Incomplete)

Important Information Regarding the Degree Audit

  • An area will show “met” if the student has registered for a course that fulfills it.
  • The Graduation Audit is refreshed every night so you won’t see changes until the next day.
  • The audit is UNOFFICIAL, subject to review by the mentor and the college.

Authorization for Parents to Discuss Education Related Information

Students may authorize parents to speak with faculty and various departments as follows:

  • Complete FERPA release form
  • Designate the type of information that can be given.
  • Create a Pass Phrase for parents to use when calling.
  • This authorization may be changed at any time by changing the Pass Phrase.