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Campus Public Interest Research Group collects items for nonprofits in St. Petersburg area

By Emmi Elmaleh ’27
Published February 27, 2025
Categories: Alumni, Internships, Student Life, Students, Sustainability

PIRG students, advisers and Eckerd College President Jim Annarelli, Ph.D., celebrate their “Get Out the Vote” program kickoff in Fall 2024.

In mid-February, Eckerd College’s members of the Florida Public Interest Research Group Students participated in an item collection for St. Vincent de Paul CARES, which works to find residences for the unhoused within a period of 30 days. The nonprofit organization is based in downtown St. Petersburg and operates initiatives aimed at assisting those in need.

SVdP CARES not only owns a community thrift store but also provides veterans legal services, public caseworkers and childcare—all crucial parts of their efforts to support the Tampa Bay community.

Right now, there are 16 active members of PIRG at Eckerd. Established in 2018, it is currently the newest division of PIRG in the country.

Eckerd’s chapter runs events based on local issues—such as St. Petersburg’s water quality, environmental concerns and Florida wildlife protection. These events are part of PIRG’s efforts to raise awareness and create change.

The Eckerd chapter recently celebrated its spring semester kickoff on Feb. 18, which included the introduction of PIRG’s newest campaigns and held panels for guest speakers. This event focused on the importance of staying informed about the human impact on wildlife and featured Florida Voices for Animals to speak on this matter.

Jenn Yarosz ’24, a recent Eckerd graduate, holds a full-time position with PIRG, where she oversees student members and helps plan the organization’s initiatives for each semester. In her role, she mentors students, guiding them as they take action on key advocacy issues. As part of PIRG’s ongoing efforts to engage students, Jenn also works to recruit new members, with opportunities for full-time positions available starting in Fall 2025. These positions offer a salary and provide graduates with the chance to continue their involvement in public interest advocacy while still working on campus.

Student PIRG members collect clothing and canned goods with a St. Vincent de Paul CARES volunteer on campus in February.

As a first-year student in 2020, Jenn joined PIRG during the start of the COVID-19 pandemic and was involved in the national movement to ban single-use plastics at Whole Foods locations across the country. The positive impacts that began early in her experience sparked her continued passion for advocacy.

Soon, PIRG will conduct its spring break canvas where the organization will give a preview of its summer internship offerings, talk to locals about causes of interest and explain how to join by registering online.