Bjoern Muetzel

Assistant Professor of Mathematics

Math, Physics, and Computer Science 217


  • Ph.D, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne
  • M.S., University of Marburg, Germany

Courses taught

  • Calculus 1
  • Calculus 3

Research interests

My work is in the area of low dimensional geometry and topology. I’m interested in systolic geometry and harmonic forms on surfaces. Most of my work is on hyperbolic surfaces.

Selected publications

  • Buser P., Makover E., Muetzel B. and Silhol R.:Energy distribution of harmonic 1-forms and Jacobians of Riemann surfaces with a short closed geodesic,54 pages, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift (2020),
  • Muetzel B.:The Jacobian of a Riemann surface and the geometry of the cut locus of simple closed geodesics, Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 42(2017), 693-721.
  • Massart D. and Muetzel B.:On the intersection form of surfaces, Manuscripta Mathematica 143 (1-2) (2014), 19-49.