
IR 340: Geneva and International Organization
Opportunity to visit and study United Nations agencies in Switzerland that deal with health, labor, human rights, the environment, refugees and trade matters. Prerequisite: Permission of instructor.

IR 341: The Hague and International Law
Opportunity to study international law and human rights in The Hague (Netherlands) and Strasbourg (France) with visits to the European Court of Human Rights, the International Criminal Court, and other organizations. Prerequisite: permission of instructor.

IR 353: International Relations and Global Affairs Practicum
IRGA majors may fulfill their practicum requirement with and internship in an institution engaged in international affairs. By providing "real world" experience, it can be a significant first step to a student's future career. Instructor permission required.

IR 410: Senior Seminar: International Relations and Global Affairs
This is the required capstone seminar for all IRGA seniors. Topics vary from year to year. Recent topics have included the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the Arab-Israeli Conflict and the role of the United States in the world today.

IR 498: Comprehensive Examination

IR 499: Senior Thesis