Enhancing professionalization on campus and beyond
Generously funded by trustee Helmar Nielsen, the Eckerd College Film Studies program offers scholarships, film production grants, and fellowships to enhance professionalization on campus and beyond.
Nielsen Film Studies Scholarships
Nielsen Film Studies Scholarships are made possible through the generosity of Eckerd College trustee emeritus Helmar Nielsen and are available to declared Eckerd College Film Studies majors in good academic standing (not on academic probation) when funds allow. Scholarship applications are reviewed by Film Studies faculty. The average award per selected recipient is often $2500-$5000 although individual awards may be higher or lower depending on availability of funds.
Nielsen Film and Media Production Grants
Nielsen Film and Media Production Grants support increasing student professionalization in film studies. Nielsen Film and Media Production Grants provide micro-funding for student film and other media production projects to students through a competitive application process. Students will compete for the grants by creating a pitch proposal, including a budget and a schedule for a film, video, or media project, to be submitted to a regional, national, or international film festival, including those held by Eckerd College.
First-year research associateships
First-year research associateships, such as programming the International Cinema Series, offer unprecedented opportunities for qualified first-year students to work closely with a faculty mentor on research projects.