Paul Hindsley

Professor of Environmental Studies

Environmental Studies 107


Ph.D., Coastal Resource Management, East Carolina University, 2008
M.S., Applied and Resource Economics, East Carolina University, 2002
B.S., Resource Conservation, University of Montana, 1999, Minor: Economics

My research interests include coastal resource management and policy, natural hazards research, and applied statistics/econometrics. Current research includes the measurement of coastal homeowners’ valuation of natural features for mitigating risks from natural hazards, measuring individual’s assignment of responsibility and willingness-to-pay for rebuilding New Orleans post-Katrina, and methods for addressing bias from onsite sampling in recreation demand models.

I teach the following courses: Introduction to Environmental Studies, Introduction to Coastal Management, Coastal Hazards: Science and Management, and Statistics for the Sciences. I have also taught Introduction to Microeconomics.

Areas of Expertise/Research Focus

Coastal & Marine Resources Management, Environmental Policy Analysis, Natural Hazards, Markets, & Human Behavior, Applied Econometrics,, Environmental and Natural Resource Economics

Teaching Experience

Coastal Ecosystem Based Management, Coastal Hazards: Science and Management,Introduction to Coastal Management, Introduction to Environmental Studies, Introduction to Coastal Management, Managing Coastal Ecosystems, Research Methods/ Practicum, Statistics for the Sciences

Selected Peer-Review Publications

  • Ash Morgan, Paul Hindsley, and William Huth. “Examining the Perceptions and Effects of Survey Consequentiality Across Population Subgroups.” Accepted Journal of Benefit-Cost Analysis.
  • Beth Forys, Paul Hindsley, Maggie Miller, James Wilson, Lorraine Margeson. 2016. “Can Video Cameras Decrease Human Intrusion into a Closed Natural Area?” Natural Areas Journal. 36(2): 146-152.
  • Ash Morgan, Paul Hindsley, and William Huth. 2015. “Artificial Reef Attributes and the Relationship with Natural Reefs: Evidence from the Florida Keys.” Journal of Ocean and Coastal Economics. 2(2): 1-21.
  • Paul Hindsley, Stuart Hamilton, and Ash Morgan. 2013. “Gulf Views: Toward a Better Understanding of View Scope in Hedonic Property Models.” Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics. 47(3): 489-505.
  • Paul Hindsley, Brad Gentner, and Craig Landry. 2011. “Addressing Onsite Sampling in Recreation Site Choice Models: An Application to the Marine Recreational Statistics Survey.” Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 62(1): 95-110.
  • Craig Landry, Paul Hindsley, Okmyung Bin, Jamie B Kruse, John C Whitehead, and Ken Wilson. 2011. “Weathering the Storm: Measuring Household Willingness-to-Pay for Risk-Reduction in Post-Katrina New Orleans.” Southern Economic Journal. 77(4): 991-1013.
  • Craig Landry and Paul Hindsley. 2011. “Valuing Beach Quality with Hedonic Property Models.” Land Economics 87(1).
  • Craig Landry, Okmyung Bin, Paul Hindsley, John Whitehead, and Kenneth Wilson. 2007. “Going Home: Evacuation-Migration Decisions of Hurricane Katrina Survivors.” Southern Economic Journal 74(2): 326 – 343.

Banner photo at top: Elisa Reyes Salgado ’19