Bursar’s Office

The mission of the Bursar’s office is to provide excellent customer service to our students, parents, faculty, staff, alumni, and outside visitors while maintaining value and innovation.

A bursar is an official in charge of funds, as at a college or university; a treasurer.

The Bursar’s Office is responsible for providing student account information, collecting payments for tuition, registration fees, and miscellaneous campus charges, managing delinquent accounts, processing refunds and financial aid proceeds and administering and collecting on Federal Perkins and Institutional loans.

If you have questions regarding billing or, feel that a billing error has occurred please contact the office for clarification; if you still feel that there is an error please follow the appeal process.

Student Accounts
Franklin Templeton Building
Room 164
Student Accounts hours:
Mon – Fri, 8:30 a.m.-5:00 p.m.
Summer hours: 8 a.m.-4 p.m.

Books and supplies

The cost of books and supplies varies according to the course of study. Students are expected to have sufficient funds to cover purchases at the college bookstore Barnes & Noble. Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Discover and personal checks are accepted. If you have been awarded financial aid in excess of the comprehensive cost and would like to use the funds for books & supplies you may do so by submitting a “Bookstore Authorization” form. This form will allow the Campus Bookstore to charge your purchases to your student account. You may download the form on the Forms page; please contact the Bursar’s office if you have any questions or need assistance with the authorization process.

Meal plan online portal

Register online at to keep track of your meal plan.

  • Monitor your transactions
  • Review your available balance
    Funds will roll from Fall to Spring as long as you remain on the same meal plan, unused meals and flex dollars will expire at the end of the academic year.
  • Purchase Triton Bucks (this is separate from the meal plan billed to your student account)
    • Send a request to your family to add additional bucks
    • Funds posted to your Triton Bucks account are non-refundable.

Outstanding indebtedness, administrative hold, refunds

Payments are due in full by the due dates or, enrollment in the monthly payment plan through CASHNet and must be confirmed by the due dates. A late payment fee will be assessed on payments received after the due dates. Additionally, a finance charge will be assessed on outstanding balances after the due dates.

A student shall not be permitted to register for a semester until all balances are paid in full. For your convenience, Master-card, Visa, American Express, Discover and ACH payments are accepted online only through the students ebill account using Touchnet PayPath. Credit and Debit card payments will be assessed a 2.95% convenience or “service” fee which will appear as separate charge on the cardholder’s credit card billing statement. Eckerd College does not receive any part of the convenience fee. The College will continue to accept payments by check, cash, money order, third-party check or by wire transfer.