The Kadel Society was named after Eckerd College’s founding president, William H. Kadel, in honor of his legacy of innovation and excellence at this special place.
This recognition society honors the outstanding group of friends who have made a provision for the College through their estate plans. These enduring gifts help to ensure that future generations of students will benefit from the Eckerd College educational experience.
If you have already included Eckerd College in your estate plans, you can join the Kadel Society by simply sharing those intentions with us. By allowing Eckerd to include your name with the many alumni, parents, friends, faculty and staff who have made similar gift arrangements, you affirm the importance of planning for the College’s future and inspire others to follow your example.
We would enjoy the opportunity to thank you and welcome you into this special group.
Would you like to receive the Kadel Society newsletter by email? Please email Tom Schneider, associate vice president for development, at
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Ways to give
A bequest is one of the most popular ways to make a gift. Through a provision in your will, you can provide significant support for the College. Your bequest can be a means to perpetuate the giving level at which you have provided during your lifetime. If you haven’t yet made an outright gift, a bequest can enable you to leave a legacy that will assist the College in the future.
There are several types of bequests:
- Specific Bequest
Designate the College to receive a specific amount of your estate. - Percentage Bequest
Designate the College to receive a percentage of money, securities or property from your estate. - Residual Bequest
The residual of your estate, after all specific bequests have been fulfilled, can be designated for the College. - Life Insurance Policy
Name the College as a beneficiary of an existing paid-up whole life policy. - Gift of Retirement Plan
Avoid taxation by naming the College as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), 403(b) or other plan.
The College also can be the contingent beneficiary if your named individual beneficiaries don’t survive you.
If you already have a will, it can be modified easily by adding a codicil. A bequest in your will allows you to pass any amount you wish to the College free of estate tax.
IRA Rollover
If you are 70½ or older, up to $100,000 of your IRA minimum distribution requirement may be satisfied by a qualified charitable distribution (QCD). If you are eligible for this opportunity, please contact your IRA custodian. Transfers must be made each year before the December 31 deadline.
Charitable Gift Annuity
A Charitable Gift Annuity enables you to make a meaningful gift to Eckerd College while enjoying income and tax benefits. In exchange for your gift of cash or securities, you—and if desired, another beneficiary—will receive a fixed sum each year for life. A gift annuity is particularly attractive because the rates, based on your age, typically produce higher income than the yields from investments in the stock and bond markets. The suggested minimum contribution is $10,000.
Benefits of Charitable Gift Annuity:
- Part of your income may be tax-free.
- You will receive an immediate income tax charitable deduction.
- You may reduce your estate tax.
- A gift made with low-yielding tax assets may increase your current income.
- A gift made with appreciated assets may avoid capital gains taxes.
- You will enjoy the satisfaction of supporting Eckerd College.
Charitable Remainder Trust
The Charitable Remainder Trust is an ideal vehicle for making a lifetime gift to Eckerd College. To create such a trust, you transfer cash, securities or real estate to the trust. The trust then pays you and/or other beneficiaries an income for life or for a period of years. Upon termination of the trust, the assets pass to the College. The suggested minimum contribution is $100,000.
There are two types of Charitable Remainder Trusts:
- Annuity Trust—offers a fixed-amount payout each year.
- Unitrust—pays out a fixed percentage of the value of the trust assets, which are figured annually.
The best plan for you is the one that balances what you wish to accomplish for yourself, your family and for Eckerd College.
Please let us know if you have included Eckerd College in your estate plans, so we may know how to fulfill your gift once it ultimately comes to Eckerd. Complete a confidential Deferred Gift Intention Notification Form, and please contact Tom Schneider, associate vice president for development, at
For more information on gift planning or assistance in making Eckerd College a part of your estate plans, please contact Tom Schneider, associate vice president for development, at 727.864.8409 or
Gift calculator
Try our gift calculator below.
- Click the “personalize” button.
- Choose the gift you are interested in from the drop down list at the top.
- Fill in the blank fields.
If you aren’t able to use the calculator for any reason, or prefer to discuss calculations in person, please call us at 727.864.8049.
History of William H. Kadel (1913–1990)
In 1955, Dr. William H. Kadel, then pastor at the First Presbyterian Church of Orlando, participated in a brainstorming meeting to discuss the possibility of a church-related college in Florida. Theirs would not be just another college, but a distinguished liberal arts college that would be a leader among higher education institutions. Their desire to be the best drew the attention of the Church, the community, prospective faculty and students, and many in academia. A campus was planned with Florida’s natural beauty in mind.
In the summer of 1958, Kadel accepted the call to become the founding president of Florida Presbyterian College, later named Eckerd College.
Kadel knew this new college would require a high degree of vision and creativity and must capture the imagination of not only Florida but the American public as well. He believed if it was worth doing at all, it was worth going first-class—committing to top-tier faculty, an innovative curriculum, selectivity in admissions to ensure superior students, and facilities that would foster this distinctive environment.
Kadel firmly believed that “where there is no vision, the people perish.” He believed in what he was doing; he had a passion for it and the ability to generate excitement and inspire others to support that vision.
William Kadel made a tremendous impact on Eckerd College as executive, administrator, counselor and spiritual leader. His legacy lives on in the life of the College today.