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The best path to becoming an engaged and productive citizen

What does it mean to be educated in the liberal arts?

The term “liberal arts” is rooted in the Latin phrase for the abilities needed for people to be free.

Nearly a century ago, the genius physicist Albert Einstein said a liberal arts education was not about “the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think something that cannot be learned from textbooks.”

In more modern terms, a liberal arts degree is “the hottest ticket” to some of the most interesting, well-paying careers in the country—including physicians, attorneys, entrepreneurs and CEOs. Microsoft’s president says liberal arts majors are necessary for the future of tech. A liberal arts education teaches creativity, imagination, collaboration, communication, and analytic and interpersonal skills.

Eckerd’s approach to the liberal arts is built around personalized mentoring, small classes and learning by doing, both inside the classroom and the community we live in.

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On the national survey of student engagement, Eckerd ranks higher than peer institutions for opportunities to apply learning in real-world settings

Three people, one with hand raised

We are committed to free and open inquiry, granting all members of our community the broadest latitude to speak, write, create, teach, listen, challenge and learn


Eckerd gives employers and grad schools what they want: college graduates with a specialization focus and the thinking, writing and research skills that come from a liberal arts education

Many paths and pursuits

We provide students with both specialized ability in a chosen major and a foundation of knowledge that can be applied among many career paths and academic pursuits.

Internships, jobs, research opportunities and community volunteer activities enable students to integrate theory and practice and help them to clarify their values and career choices.

The Eckerd Edge enhances the classroom experience for all students through resources and programs, before and after graduation, that enrich learning and prepare them for what’s next.

Eckerd students develop a love for learning, acquire an informed awareness of the major elements of their cultural heritage, explore various perspectives on the central concerns of human existence and assume increased responsibility for their own growth.

Employers value the ability to solve problems, adapt to change, work across disciplines and collaborate with others. These are the tenets of the liberal arts education. It changes lives and changes the world.

Our approach is based on a deep appreciation of interdisciplinary study, practical experience, community service and cross-cultural experiences.