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Undergraduate Theses

Eckerd College Library houses and preserves more than 1,400 undergraduate theses published since 1964, the year of Eckerd’s first graduating class. Thesis topics showcase the diversity of research that our students undertake under the guidance of Eckerd faculty.  Physical theses are housed in the Eckerd Library and can be viewed in person upon request.

Looking for a specific thesis or want to see the type of research performed by Eckerd students?  Search our Thesis Collection by name, thesis title, or topic.  Theses are available in print for in-library use at the Eckerd Library.  You can also search for theses by discipline by including the name of the discipline in your search, e.g. “marine science”.  Please ask a librarian if you need assistance finding theses by author or topic.

Search the Thesis Collection

Students are invited to submit an undergraduate thesis by their faculty advisors.  Each discipline may have varying instructions for submitting a thesis.  Here is an overview of the process as well as key deadlines for the final submission.

Junior Year

  • Faculty invite students to submit thesis (spring)

Senior Year

  • Oct 1st – Senior Thesis Contract due to Registrar’s Office 
  • May 9, 2025 – Final thesis submitted online
  • Thesis students may also attend various thesis workshops throughout the year

Once your thesis is received, the printed version will be bound and entered into the Eckerd College Library collection. Theses are cataloged in the library’s online catalog for discovery by other researchers. Physically bound theses are kept in closed stacks within the Library’s circulation area, and are made available for in-library use upon request.  Electronic copies are stored in our institutional repository, EC Scholar.

The Eckerd Library retains electronic copies of all undergraduate theses submitted to the College to ensure the long-term preservation of student research.  Once a thesis is submitted, it is stored in Eckerd’s Online Library Archive, and available only to administrative staff.

Please review the following checklist prior to submitting your thesis to ensure you have all the relevant information:

  • All files uploaded must be in PDF format.
  • Please make your filenames consistent with the following convention:  LastnameFirstname_year_TitleofThesis.pdf
  • Include 3-4 keywords to describe the main focus of your thesis work
  • Include the names of relevant collaborators as well as your thesis advisor
  • Students should work with their Thesis Committee and relevant collaborators to agree upon the level of sharing that they would prefer for their thesis. See the Senior Thesis Guidelines tab for more information.

Once you are ready, submit your online thesis below:

Online Thesis Submission Form

Electronic theses will be housed in our institutional repository, EC Scholar.  For this reason, you will be asked to indicate your copyright and sharing preferences for your electronic thesis submission.  You are welcome to change your preferences at any time by contacting the Library.

Senior Thesis Guidelines

Please see the following guidelines and checklists for information about the formatting, printing, and submission of your thesis.


Please use the following checklists to verify that you have completed all the requirements for submitting your thesis. Failure to meet each requirement may result in the delay of your final thesis submission, approval for graduation, and/or extra printing costs.

  • Pre-Submission Checklist (highly recommended)
    Basic checklist to ensure you have met the requirements for formatting and to estimate costs for printing and binding.
  • Final Thesis Submission Checklist (REQUIRED)
    Checklist to be used as the cover page to your final thesis package submitted to the Library. Please print this out, fill out the relevant details, and sign. This will let us know how many copies you need and where to send them.

Additional resources


Paper Selection

The Library requires and pays for one copy to be bound and archived at Eckerd College. This copy must be printed double spaced, single OR double-sided, and with continuous printing on 8 ½ x 11” 100% cotton fiber paper (aka ragabond or “thesis” paper, available at the Eckerd Copy Center (online only), office supply stores, or Amazon). The Eckerd Copy Center prints theses on cotton paper at $0.18 per page.  Final documents can be submitted online to the Eckerd Copy Center.

Additional, bound copies may be requested at a cost of $20 each. Additional copies can be printed on normal copy paper.


Margins should be 1 inch on all sides.


Your thesis should be formatted using the following recommended sections. Your discipline or thesis advisor may have other requirements based on the citation style used in your discipline.  Please work with your thesis advisor to make sure you have all the elements expected from your discipline.



Includes title of paper, name of student, degree earned, college name, and date of graduation. You can find a sample Title Page and Committee Report template here:

Amend the sample committee report to include the faculty listed on your committee.  The Committee Report must be signed upon the successful completion of your thesis defense. You can find a sample Title Page and Committee Report template here:


A brief statement of the topic covered including its scope and purpose.


This acknowledges the assistance of people or institutions in the research for this paper. It may be included with the preface.


A listing of the major divisions of the paper, giving their titles and page numbers.

LIST OF TABLES (Where applicable)

This lists individual headings of any tables used, their numbers and page numbers.

LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS (Where applicable)

This gives titles of illustrations used in the paper, their reference numbers and page numbers.



Pages should be consecutively numbered.


APPENDIX (Optional)

This is used for material not absolutely necessary to the body of the work, i.e., technical notes, long case histories, IRB approvals, etc.


List of relevant sources used in writing the thesis. Students should use the style manual suggested by their collegium. The library has reference copies of the major style manuals (e.g. APA,MLA, Chicago styles).

GLOSSARY (Where applicable)

This is a list of unfamiliar words or technical terms with their explanation.


1) Who is responsible for printing and binding my thesis?

Students are responsible for printing their entire thesis package, including any additional personal copies or copies required by your collegium.

The library pays to bind one copy of the thesis, printed on cotton or thesis paper.  The NAS Collegium binds an additional two (2) copies to be sent to the faculty advisor and archived in the NAS Collegium. Binding for any additional copies is paid for by students.

Students print out their thesis package and bring it to the Library to pay for binding. Binding occurs in June, with copies distributed in August.

2) How many copies of my thesis do I need to print?

Use the following formula to determine the number of copies to print:

1 Library Copy (on 100% cotton paper)  + ____ additional copies  + (2 copies for NAS students – paid by collegium)



3) How much will it cost to print and bind my thesis at the Eckerd Copy Center?

You can use the online submission form at the Eckerd Copy Center to estimate costs by choosing the ‘Thesis Printing’ or ‘Document’ options. One copy must be printed on cotton thesis paper. Once you have estimated the cost, make sure you have sufficient funds in your Papercut account to pay for printing.  NOTE: costs may vary for single-sided versus double-sided printing (either is acceptable), B/W versus color, or if regular or cotton paper is selected.

Printing costs: Estimated printing costs from = $_______

Binding costs: The Library will bind one (1) copy of your thesis (+2 NAS copies). Additional copies are provided at $20 per copy. Binding costs are paid at the Library when you submit your package (credit card only).

_____ no. additional copies X $20 = $______ BINDING FEE

$_____ TOTAL COST TO PRINT (from above) + $______ BINDING FEE (from above)



4) How do I print my thesis?

To print your thesis, submit your document to the Eckerd Copy Center (online) by uploading a PDF of your COMPLETE thesis document, including the signed Committee Report, Appendices, and IRB approvals (if applicable, included as appendices).  The Copy Center will take funds from your Papercut account. You can add additional funds at > select Add Credit on the left.

Once submitted, the Copy Center will email you a receipt, and notify you once your job is complete and ready for pickup at the ITS window adjacent to the Armacost Computer Lab. Jobs are completed within 24-48 hours, and available to pickup from the ITS window during normal business hours.

You may also print your thesis yourself, but please provide one copy on 100% cotton paper for the Library copy.


Your final thesis package must be submitted in-person at the Armacost Library, and online via the Thesis Submission Form.  The printed thesis package is sent out for binding while the electronic thesis document is for archival purposes.

Before submitting your thesis, do one final check.  Verify that ALL printed copies of your thesis are free from errors and include all elements required.  The Library is not responsible for any errors that may result from printing as only you can verify the quality of your thesis.

Once your thesis package is complete, fill out a Final Thesis Submission Checklist to be used as the cover page to your package.  Bring your thesis package to the Library and pay any binding fees for additional copies. A credit card is required to pay for binding.

Online Submission.  Finally, submit a PDF version of your thesis including the scanned, signed Committee Report and any IRB approvals (if applicable) via the Online Thesis Submission Form at



A thesis is a tangible form of intellectual property that is protected by U.S. Copyright Law. Therefore, Eckerd College requests the following pertaining to the creation and submission of theses for publication:

Students and their research partners (if applicable) shall retain the copyright of their original thesis. Researchers are asked to respect copyright policy for any copyrighted excerpts, charts, tables, or images used within their thesis.



The Eckerd College Library maintains an electronic archive of undergraduate theses published at Eckerd College (EC) for the purposes of long term preservation. This archive is permanent. By adding your thesis to the archive, you have given permission for it to be discoverable via the Library catalog. At this time, theses are not available in full text online but the Library may choose to make theses fully searchable online at some point in the future. Your copyright protects you against the unauthorized use of your work. Therefore, you will be asked your sharing preferences in the event that this collection is more widely shared. With the rights you have with your copyright, there are also responsibilities.

Please review the following sharing options for your thesis and determine which you feel most comfortable with. You will be asked your preferences upon submission of your electronic thesis. Students should work with their Thesis Committee and relevant collaborators to agree upon the level of sharing that they would prefer for their thesis. You may change your sharing settings at any point by letting the library know your preferences.

  • I agree to make my thesis available to the Eckerd College Community and to the larger community of scholars upon its deposit into the digital archive or successor technology. My thesis will be available in print in the EC Library or on Interlibrary Loan.
  • I agree to make my thesis available ONLY to the Eckerd College Community upon its deposit into the EC Scholar institutional repository, or successor technology. My thesis will be available in print in the EC Library.
  • I agree to make my thesis available in print in the EC Library, and in an electronic copy to be deposited for preservation purposes only. The electronic copy will not be made available to any users.

If you have any questions about the sharing options above, please contact the library prior to submitting your thesis package.


The use of copyrighted materials within your thesis

If your thesis includes images that are not your original work, you must include permissions from the provider of the original content or the images will not be included in the EC digital archive. If your thesis includes videos, data sets, or other accompanying material that is not your original work, the same copyright stipulations apply. If your work includes interviews, a statement that you have the permission from the interviewees to make their interviews public must be included. For information about obtaining permissions and sample forms, see


Notice of Approval to Use Human Subjects By the Eckerd College Institutional Research Board (IRB)

If your research includes human subjects, you must include a letter of approval from the Eckerd College IRB in your Appendix. For more information, see:

Notice of Submitted Work as Potentially Constituting an Educational Record Under FERPA:

According to FERPA (20 U.S.C. 1232g), a thesis may constitute an educational record. Upon submitting your thesis, you acknowledge this fact and consent to the use of this work according to the terms of this agreement.

To ensure that all theses submitted are compliant with these ethical and legal considerations, you will be asked to check a box to confirm your consistency upon submitting your electronic thesis.


Your discipline librarian is available if you need support with research, research organization, and citing sources.  For general questions about the thesis submission process, please contact us at